
If you have a suspected gas leak please call Cadent on 0800 111 999 immediately and take their advice, then raise the issue as usual on the Arthur Occupant App and call us on 0161 877 0147.

If you have a flood, have been burgled or another similar emergency that requires immediate attention, please raise the issue as normal on the Arthur Occupant App with info and photos so there is a digital record, then give us a
call on 0161 877 0147, if you’re calling outside of office hours please wait and select the option for emergencies.

If one of our team can’t answer, stay on the line, you’ll be forwarded on to our partners Propcall who’ll help make the property safe until we can attend. This line is monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Have you lost your keys or have a general maintenance problem? Please head over to our maintenance page here.